Never underestimate how many lights you need!

Year after year people come in store and ask us "how many lights do I need?"

Now, before we give you the answer, remember that each situation is different. What do I mean by this? Well, how big is your tree? Can you see all the way around - is the tree in the corner of a room or in front of a window? How many decorations will you put on your tree? How many decorations do you have?

All of these questions play a part in deciding how many lights you have.

Now, the standard rule of thumb is that you should have 100 lights per foot of tree (wait for the gasps!). It's true, too many people opted for minimal lights which doesn't do your tree any justice. The more lights you add, the more full your tree will look, the more sparkle you'll have and you'll have more of an even coverage.

Still don't believe me? Just take a look at the image below. This is a 6 foot tree and on the left we decorated it using only a 100 lights. On the right, we decorated using 500 lights. Too many people opt for the look on the left, however, by comparing the two together, you can easily see that adding more lights gives you a more spectacular look, and that's without the decorations added!

Christmas Tree Lights 100 vs 500

How do you put the lights on the tree?

There are a couple of ways. We find the easiest is to weave around the tree, however, you can also go up and down.

In New Zealand we often can only get lights which are multi-function. If you're using a couple of multi function sets on your tree, then i recommend weaving the lights around your tree. Start with one set, and as you go around leave space so that you can place the second set between the first set. This way, when the lights a twinkling and possibly on different functions, your whole tree looks uniformed, rather than having one set on the bottom part of the tree doing one function while the another set at the top of the tree is on a completely different function.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, so go all out and give your tree everything it deserves! 

I hope this helps, but if you would like more advice, then get in touch or come in-store and see us (when our store is open for the season). We're more than happy to help and get you set up with the right amount of lights.
